4 Reasons You Should Upgrade Your Home Security System This Year
Protect Your Jacksonville, FL Property With Smart Solutions
Sometimes when unexpected events pop up, things fall by the wayside.
In a lot of ways, this doesn’t impact your lifestyle much. You may forget to do laundry one night. Or forget to pick up food for dinner.
But in some ways, it can really affect your day-to-day.
One of the most common tasks to go neglected is home upgrades – especially when it comes to security.
Remember, technology moves at a rapid pace, and upgrading your home security system is essential to maintaining a safe residence.
In this blog, we’ll give you four good reasons to upgrade your security system this year.
Advancing Technology
Security has come a long way. Your surveillance cameras may be able to see at night and withstand extreme temperatures, but can they recognize faces?
Artificial intelligence has made it possible for your surveillance system to not only recognize the people who come to your door (and notify you if it’s a stranger), but also determine their behavior beforehand.
Predictive analytics can send you an alert any time it looks like someone might even try to break in. This technology and notification system helps you feel secure and confident in knowing what’s going on around your property.
Upcoming Vacations
With summer break just around the corner, you’re likely going to be out of the house this year.
Of course, leaving your property can be stressful.
With an integrated security system, you can stream surveillance footage directly to your smartphone or tablet. You can also receive alerts every time your sensors go off.
Sensors can mean motion detectors or pressure and noise sensors around access points of your home. When these are installed, you’ll know if anyone tries to access the property through the windows or other entries.
Security for What Matters
You may think of electronic locks as just a way to secure external access points, but you can use them for much more.
For instance, your kids may be getting to the age where you’re taking trips without them. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you want them to have free reign of the house.
Internal smart locks for your private office, liquor cabinets or any other area you want off-limits makes it easy to remotely lock your entire home down.
Plus, you can keep an eye on who’s accessing what via your smartphone or tablet.
Automatic Activation
If you forget your laundry, it’s entirely possible you’ll forget to arm your security and surveillance system from time to time.
That’s ok, because automation has your back.
With a geo-fence, your system springs into action once you drive away from your property.
By tracking your global location via your smartphone, your system arms automatically once you’ve moved past a pre-determined threshold.
It’s the perfect hands-free way to ensure total home safety.
Are you interested in learning more about why you should invest in modern home security system features this year?
Just click the button at the bottom of your screen to chat with a real person right now or give us a call at (904) 743-8444.